Parking update at Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre - 31 March for 10 weeks
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East Dunbartonshire Leisure & Culture Trust provides, in various locations/public buildings, access to a wide range of resources – including Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and the Internet - to meet the information, educational, recreational and cultural needs of its residents.

ICT provides access to a range of computer services, including word processing, spreadsheets, CD Rom databases etc.

The Internet is a portal to online resources from all over the world. The ever increasing resources available are changing the way individuals can access information and communicate with each other. In addition to the World Wide Web access to other Computing and Internet Services such as e-mail and newsgroups is provided. Users should be aware that such services will provide access to people whose identity cannot be verified.

To ensure the benefits of the information age are open to all free access is provided within the Library Service.

The Internet is a global electronic network and East Dunbartonshire Leisure & Culture Trust does not have complete control over the information available and is not responsible for the accuracy, validity, legality or usefulness of information available. EDLC accepts no responsibility for the quality or reliability of the telecommunication links upon which the service depends, but which are outside its control. EDLC has installed filtering software to try and prevent access to illegal sites but you should realise filtering only gives limited protection.

Parents and guardians should be especially vigilant to work with children and young people to ensure responsible use.

You will be required to complete a membership form to access the services. If you are under 16 we require a signed consent form from your parent or guardian.

If you are a member of the library service you should register to use the Computing and Internet Services on your first visit. If you choose not to opt to become a user of the computing services, you will be required to sign the Acceptable Use Policy every time you wish to use one of the library’s computers. Signing the consent form to book a PC automatically enables the user to access the Internet.

Library staff are willing to assist you in using a PC, when they are available. Library staff, however, are not trained to provide tuition. If you require teaching support, library staff will be happy to pass your details to staff responsible for running tutorials in computing skills. Forms are available in each library for this purpose.

If you access an Internet site whose contents alarm you please inform a member of staff immediately.

E mail facilities are provided via free mail services e.g. No personal mail will be stored on the hard disk, and no personal address books will be stored.

Any financial transactions including, costs incurred, are the responsibility of the user.

All external storage devices and media will be virus checked before use.

Individuals are responsible for their use of ICT and the Internet, and must respect the privacy of others. Breaching this policy may result in access to ICT facilities and the Internet being withdrawn and may result in prosecution.

Monitoring of computer systems and networks is necessary to maintain optimum performance of the service. EDLC Trust reserves the right to monitor and log all aspects of its computer systems and networks, including Internet sites visited by users, use of newsgroups and the downloading of files of all types. The content of e-mail communications sent and received will not be routinely monitored but may be accessed to resolve technical problems or where there is reasonable suspicion of a breach of policy. EDLC Trust reserves the right to restrict the types of files you can download.

Health & Safety advice on the use of computers is available on request.


  • Access ICT for any illegal activities including the creation and distribution of illegal materials including obscene, offensive, indecent or menacing material
  • Access the Internet for any illegal activities, or for viewing or distributing illegal materials including obscene, offensive, indecent or menacing material
  • Violate copyright laws by unauthorised reproduction or distribution of copyright or licensed material. If in doubt, check with the information source
  • Engage in any activity which is offensive or which invades another person’s privacy
  • Restrict or inhibit other users from using the system or impair the efficiency of the computer or its operating system
  • Save documents and/or software on the hard drive
  • Transmit information, photographs or images of another individual without their knowledge and consent
  • Damage, delete, impair or otherwise harm the ICT hardware and/or software