Our libraries offer a wide selection of books, digital resources, activities and programmes that enrich lives. We provide a welcoming environment for all ages, encouraging a love of reading and lifelong learning.

From Bookbug sessions for wee ones to reading groups for adults, our libraries promote a sense of belonging and community.

Join our libraries

From physical books to eBooks, and easy access to computers – our libraries provide a welcoming space for you to learn and discover.

inside of a library with benches and book shelves

What's on in our libraries

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Digital Drop-In

Grey phone icon and a purple phone icon

Silent Book Walks

Craft and a Cuppa

Purple outline of a pencil, scissors and a tub of glue

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Our on-site services

We provide a range of programmes and services from helping the community get online to traditional reading resources.

View all our on-site services

We offer printing and photocopying services in all our libraries as well digital sessions and access to the internet

Our libraries offer readers classics, best-sellers and non-fiction. Members can also access e-books and audiobooks as well as large print, graphic novels and much more.

Your Online Library

Help us help the community

Discover numerous volunteering options at East Dunbartonshire libraries, suitable for all ages, experiences, and time availability. As a dedicated volunteer you will be supporting others in our local communities to engage in meaningful activities.

We have lots of volunteers who take part in and enjoy many rewarding volunteering opportunities.