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All Clubs wishing to use Playing Fields under the control of East Dunbartonshire Leisure & Culture Trust will be required to have registered their Club in advance.

Letting Terms and Conditions

All communications between Leisure Services and Football Clubs will be made via the Club Secretary, and it is the Club’s responsibility to inform the booking staff of any changes of Office Bearers, which may affect the Club during the season.

  • A maximum of two nominated representatives will be considered to be responsible for the Club during the season. It is essential that one representative can be contacted Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.
  • Clubs and Organisations must comply with credit terms as stated on the invoice.
  • Weekday bookings to be cancelled must be phoned in no less than 48 hours (not including weekends) before booking.
  • Weekend bookings to be cancelled must be phoned in no later than 5pm on Wednesday before that weekend. Failure to cancel within these timescales will result in the full charge for the booking being made.
  • Teams are required to ensure that kick-off times are adhered to, i.e. 10am and 2pm, however if your team is booking a cup-tie, please advise us so that the kick-off time can be set at either 9.30am or 1.30pm.
  • No teams are allowed to use the shower rooms for cleaning football equipment after matches. No metal studded boots permitted on synthetic pitches.
  • It is our Policy that accounts are rendered monthly and any Club who fails to make the appropriate payments within the stated time will not be granted further use of council facilities until the account has been settled in full.
  • Training lets are for 1½ hours only. A training let will consist of no more than 15 players.
  • A game will be no more than 2 hours, although time will be given on either side of this for changing, eg. 9am to noon and 1.00pm to 4.30pm.
  • At Merkland 3D astro pitch, the bookings will be for no more than a 2 hour slot.
  • On Merkland Grass only one midweek game is permitted and this must be a League fixture or competitive game.
  • League fixtures will take preference over “friendlies” or bounce games and training.
  • No training is permitted on grass pitches.

Please note that any queries on invoices must be brought to this department’s attention within one month of the invoice being issued.

If a pitch has been passed playable by the Council's Greenspace Department on a Friday, it is then up to the referee to call off the fixture on the day. The referee must inform the caretaker of his decision, who will then mark this in the weekly return sheets. No caretaker or team can deem the pitch unplayable.