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This page contains East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust’s Terms and Conditions of Membership and Terms and Conditions of Booking.

You will be given 28 days’ notice by email or post if we make any changes to this page.

To help you get the best out of East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust Centres and to fully understand our responsibilities to you and your responsibilities to us, please read these Terms and Conditions of Membership carefully.

These terms and conditions apply to East Dunbartonshire Leisure & Culture Trust Sports Development membership, please read carefully.

Membership Terms & Conditions

“Administration Fee” and “Joining Fee” means, if applicable, a fee payable to the Trust at the beginning of your membership. You can get details of any applicable fees from the Centre or on our Website;

“Centre” means any centre operated by the Trust and shall include Allander Leisure Centre, Huntershill Community Sports Hub, Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre and the Leisuredrome;

“Kiosk” means a kiosk at the Centre;

“Reception” means a reception at the Centre;

“The Trust” means East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust, a company which is a charity (Scottish Charity Number SC041942) incorporated under the Companies Acts with registered number SC389516 and having their registered office at Kirkintilloch Town Hall, Union Street,Kirkintilloch, Glasgow G66 1DH;

“We” and “Us” means the Trust;

“You” means parent/carer;

We will contact you by email, SMS or letter depending on the information we have on our system. Where possible, email will be used as our main contact method if we have your email address.

In order to book your child into a class, you must submit your completed online application form with participant/medical details, preferred choice of class and Direct Debit mandate.

Please allow up to 14 days for your application to be processed. Please note that access to activities are subject to availability and where places are not available, the Trust reserves the right to reject an application.

Swim Lesson Membership

  1. A maximum of 40 classes per year – see section 9b for details on cancellations.
  2. Cost of classes spread over 10 monthly payments.
  3. Your next Direct Debit shall be amended in the event of class cancellations.
  4. Free swimming (membership holder only) in East Dunbartonshire Leisure Centres, subject to availability.
  5. Easy process to change classes through online Home Portal.
  6. Pathway through class levels.
  7. Feedback of progress through online Home Portal.

Sport Membership

  1. A maximum of 40 classes per year – see section 9b for details on cancellations.
  2. Cost of classes spread over 10 monthly payments.
  3. Your next Direct Debit shall be amended in the event of class cancellations.
  4. 10% discount for second child or second sport unless eligible for concession membership, see section 14 b. (one discount only to be applied).
  5. Easy process to change classes through online Home Portal.
  6. Pathway through class levels.
  7. Regular communication through emails and class moves through online Home Portal.

12 Month Membership

A 12 Month Membership will run for a period of 12

You can choose to pay for a 12 Month Membership by Annual Payment or monthly by Direct Debit as described in Clause 7 (Payment methods).

For a 12 Month Membership paid by Annual Payment:-

  • your membership will begin on payment of the annual membership fee;
  • your membership will cease at the end of the 12 month You can renew your membership by contacting your local Centre; and
  • any change in circumstances or eligibility for reduced membership fees will apply on renewal of the membership after 12 months.

For a 12 Month Membership paid by Direct Debit:-

  • your membership will begin when you make your first payment, which will be a pro rata payment in advance of your first monthly Direct Debit collection. Any Administration Fee or Joining Fee applicable at the time of starting your membership also requires to be paid before your membership begins;
  • your membership fee must be paid monthly by Direct Debit as described in Clause 7.2 (Payment methods) and the monthly membership rate may be subject to an annual price increase from 1st April during the 12 month period. You will receive notification of any change to your Direct Debit payment in terms of Clause 7.2;
  • where you choose to continue your membership following 12 monthly payments, your membership will continue on the same monthly rate on a rolling month to month basis. The monthly membership rate may be subject to an annual price increase from 1st April each year. You will receive notification of any change to your Direct Debit in terms of Clause 7.2;
  • you are entitled to cancel your 12 Month Membership at any time after twelve months on providing the Trust with at least one full calendar month’s notice in writing; and
  • any change in circumstances or eligibility for reduced membership fees will apply after you have made 12 monthly payments.

Month to Month Membership

A Month to Month Membership must be paid monthly by Direct Debit as described in Clause 7.2 (Payment methods).

Your Month to Month Membership will begin when you make your first payment, which will be a pro rata payment in advance of your first monthly Direct Debit Any Administration Fee or Joining Fee applicable at the time of starting your membership also requires to be paid before your membership begins.

You can cancel your Month to Month membership at any time after one month of membership on providing the Trust with at least one full calendar month’s notice in writing.

The Month to Month Membership rate may be subject to an annual price increase from 1st April each You will receive notification of any change to your Direct Debit in terms of Clause 7.2.

Couples Membership

A Couples Membership can be a 12 Month Membership or a Month to Month Membership as described above.

A Couples Membership is available to any two prospective members aged 22- 64, irrespective of their individual addresses.

A Couples Membership can be paid by Annual Payment (where it is a 12 Month Membership) or by Direct Debit (where it is a 12 Month Membership or a Month to Month Membership) as outlined above. If you have a 12 Month Membership and choose to pay by Direct Debit, a condition of membership is that the Direct Debit payment must be made from only one account. It is not possible to take payment from two separate accounts.

When joining part way though a month, your first pro-rata payment will be added to your first full monthly Direct Debit payment, thereafter monthly Direct Debit payments will revert to the standard price for your activity. You will be notified of these amounts in writing at least 10 days in advance of your first Direct Debit payment. When joining part way though a month your first payment will be taken at the next available Payment date (either 5th or 20th of the Month).

You can change your mind about joining. To do this you must give notice in writing within seven days from the date of your membership application.

Once membership is started this will be continuous until notification to cancel is received.

Annual payment – 12 Month Membership

Your annual membership fee is paid in one single payment each year and covers the year to come.

Refunds for memberships paid annually will only be made in exceptional circumstances on a pro-rata basis at the discretion of the Trust.

Monthly by Direct Debit – 12 Month Membership or Month to Month Membership

  • Your membership fees are due on either the 5th or 20th of each month, or next banking day, and cover that month.
  • You must pay your membership by making monthly payments by Direct Debit, unless we agree otherwise.
  • You must complete and return a Direct Debit mandate confirming that you are authorised to set up payments from the account.
  • For junior applicants, a parent or guardian must complete the Direct Debit
  • Any member paying by Direct Debit will be notified of any changes to their
  • Direct Debit payment at least 10 days before the payment is due.

You must pay your membership by making monthly payments by Direct Debit, unless we agree otherwise.

  1. You must complete a Direct Debit mandate confirming that you are authorised to set up payments from the account.
  2. Your membership fees are due on either the 5th or 20th of each month, or the next banking day.
  3. Payments will be made over 10 months of the year, no payments will be taken in January or July. This is done automatically, please do not cancel your Direct Debit as your class place may be at risk.
  4. For junior applicants, a parent or carer must complete the Direct Debit mandate.
  5. Any member paying by Direct Debit will be notified in advance of any changes to their Direct Debit payment.

  1. If you do not pay your membership fee when it is due, we will contact you to let you know.
  2. If you are paying by Direct Debit and we are unable to take your monthly payment when it is due, we will contact you by e-mail (or if we do not hold an e-mail address for you, by post) to advise you of this and that you have 7 days to pay us the outstanding amount. Payment can be made by phone, at Reception or via your Leisure Hub account.
  3. If you do not pay the outstanding amount within the 7 day period we may prevent you from accessing the facilities at our Centres until the outstanding amount is paid in full. This does not mean we will end your membership.
  4. If the outstanding amount remains unpaid after the 7 day period, we reserve the right to cancel your membership. If we cancel your membership we will contact you by e-mail (or if we do not hold an e-mail address for you, by post) to confirm this.
  5. Cancelling your Direct Debit does not mean you have given us notice to end your membership. You must give us written notice in line with Clause 8 (Ending your Membership) below.
  6. We may refer any missed payments, including any future payment that are due as part of your membership, to a debt collection agency. This includes any payments which are due to us but which have not been paid (including any future payments where you had a 12 Month Membership) where we have cancelled your membership under Clause 8d. above.
  7. You will not be permitted to reapply for membership until all amounts owed to the Council are paid in full.

You can suspend your membership at any time (other than after you have given us notice to end your membership) for a period of between two and six months within any 12-month period.

A monthly suspension fee may apply and you will be advised of this when you request suspension of your membership.

In the case of a 12-month membership, any suspended months will be added to the duration of your membership.

You can still attend classes or use the centre using your suspension however payment will be at the standard adult non-member rate.

Requests to suspend your membership must be made in writing or emailed to: Please include your name, membership number and date of birth.

  1. You can cancel your membership at any time after one month of membership on providing the Trust at least one full calendar month notice in writing.
  2. You must continue to pay your membership fees until your membership ends.
  3. Your membership will end at the end of your notice period.
  4. A request to end your membership should be:
  • Sent by email to
  • Handed into Sports Development, Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre, Woodhead Park, Kirkintilloch, G66 3DD
  • Posted to EDLC Trust, Sports Development, Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre, Woodhead Park, Kirkintilloch, G66

The request will be actioned from the date the request is received by Sports Development.

  1. In the event of a venue closure we will make every attempt to contact our customers as soon as possible.
  2. In the event that we have cancelled classes, a refund will be credited to your next Direct Debit payment.
  3. Please note refunds will only be processed if classes have not been provided by EDLC Trust.
  4. In the event of medical circumstances that stop a member using their membership for a period longer than one month, you may apply for a temporary suspension of your membership. This shall remain at the discretion of Sports Development. Suspension of membership will result in the withdrawal of the previously allocated class day and time. To restart classes, you should contact sports development to discuss the reallocation of a space within the programme.
  5. You will be notified in advance by email of any weeks classes are not running.

  1. Parent/carers must ensure that contact details are up to date. This is in the unlikely event of a medical emergency, building evacuation or other emergency situation.
  2. Our sessions often run back to back therefore children must be collected promptly from coach/teacher at the end of a class.
  3. If your child is unwell, we politely request that you do not bring them to their sports development class. There is no need to contact us unless there is a long term illness or a risk to other eg Covid.
  4. Parent/carers are responsible for ensuring that the participant is in good health and suitable to take part in the programme.
  5. Parent/carers are responsible for ensuring all details are disclosed accurately on the waiting list and at point of enrolment and will notify EDLC Trust of any changes that have occurred.
  6. Parent/Carers and participant will comply with the rules relating to the use of all facilities and equipment.
  7. Parents/Carers must notify Sports Development of any medical conditions, additional needs or support their child may require prior to lessons starting.
  8. Any changes to personal, medical or health information must be sent in writing as soon as possible to ensure we provide the best experience for your child.

  1. All EDLC Trust Coaches are qualified and have current PVG disclosure checks.
  2. We will use reasonable endeavours to provide your child with the same instructor for their class, however, over the course of a year relief coaches will be used without prior notification.

  • Membership fees will be reviewed annually and determined by the You will be contacted with details of any changes to your membership fees in accordance with Clause 5 (Membership options) and Clause 7 (Payment methods).

  • Members must present their membership card on every visit, obtain a valid receipt and notify for every activity that they wish to attend at the Reception or Lost or stolen membership cards can be reported to the Centre and should be reported as soon as possible. There will be a charge for a replacement card.

  • Updates and changes to leisure activity categories are at the discretion of the Trust. A minimum of 14 days’ notice is required using the amendment form which can be requested at the Reception.

  • At least 24 hours’ notice must be given to cancel a pre-booked activity or class. Failure to do so may result in the suspension of your membership without any refund of fees We may also withdraw your right to prebook any activity or class.

  • Bookings can only be accepted where a membership card is produced, or in the case of a telephone booking where the membership number is quoted.

  • The Trust reserves the right to exclude members if their behaviour is deemed inappropriate or constitutes a risk without any refund of fees paid.

  • Attempted use of a membership card by a non-member may result in cancellation of your membership without any refund of fees paid.

  • Access to the Centre will be restricted during seasonal and festive holidays and maintenance closures. There will be no refund for any variations in access times or restriction to facilities.

  • To access the Health Suites, members must be aged 18 years or over.  To access Fitness Classes, members must be at least 12 years old for specific teen classes; other restrictions apply.

  • Other age restrictions may apply.

  • Members must advise the Centre as early as possible of any changes to their personal details i.e. change of address/contact information.

We will comply with the Data Protection 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 and any legislation amending or replacing them.

We will deal with all information we hold about you in line with your privacy policy.

Terms and Conditions of Booking

Please read these Terms and Conditions before making your booking

In order to make an online booking, you will need to logon to Leisure Hub our online booking system.

Please note that your account requires a valid email address. The email address that we have sent this communication to is the one that we hold on our system and is the one you should use to register.

Please note the following before proceeding;

  • Most bookable classes can be booked online
  • Racquet sports can be booked online
  • All bookings are subject to availability
  • Please read our Terms and Conditions of Booking below before making an online booking

Please contact the appropriate leisure centre by telephone to book;

  • Netball Courts
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Birthday Parties and Special Events
  • Club and Group Bookings

The person registering for online bookings must be the registered EDLC Member for the Membership Card being used. Membership Cards are not transferable.

All bookings made online must be "paid for" online at the time of booking.

For all activities included in your membership, use Quick Book. You will receive an email confirmation of the booking

For all paid bookings, these must be “paid for” online at the time of booking.

The cardholder must be attending the activity and must report to reception with the Membership Card before the activity commences or the booking will be logged as "failed to attend".

For health & safety, insurance purposes and operational needs: Please ensure that you arrive on time for your class. If an advanced booking is not taken up five minutes prior to the class start time, reception staff will re-allocate it to customers waiting to access the class. If you arrive late, you will not be permitted to access the class as you will have missed the essential warm up. We are aware that there can be queues at reception, so please allow adequate time to confirm your place and still be at your class on time.

Free Bookings made online can be cancelled online. If in doubt, telephone the Centre to do this, giving at least 24 hours’ notice.

“Failure to attend" or cancelling a booking may result in the full casual rate for the activity being payable prior to making future bookings.

For court activity bookings, 5 minutes are deducted where needed for equipment changeovers.

Every attempt will be made to stick to the published programme. However facilities, classes, courses and instructors are subject to availability/session times and opening hours. We will give appropriate notice of any changes.

The discovery of any false information leading to the issue of the Membership Card will result in its cancellation.

EDLC reserves the right to amend, withdraw and/or update the Terms and Conditions of Membership and the Terms and Conditions of Booking at their discretion.

Rules of Conduct

  • Members will be responsible for monitoring his/her own physical condition throughout the duration of their membership; and should any unusual symptom/s occur he/she must refrain from further participation until otherwise instructed by their medical practitioner.
  • In the interests of Health and Hygiene you must shower prior to entering the pool, steam or sauna area.
  • All members must adhere to the Swimming Pool Admission Policy. Please ask at reception for more details.
  • All members must adhere to all Customer Information/Notices displayed throughout the Centre.

You must not

  • Behave in a violent or rude manner or in a way which offends distresses or annoys anyone else.
  • Smoke or use e-cigarettes in any part of the
  • Bring alcoholic drinks, drugs or other mood altering substances into the
  • Use the facilities while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other mood altering


  • The Centre’s liability for any damage to the property of the members is strictly limited to damage or loss suffered as the direct consequence of the negligence of the Centre and/or its staff. The financial extent of the Centre’s liability is limited to the cost of repair to any such property, or to the value of the property at the date of damage, whatever is the lower.
  • The Centre’s liability for any accident or injury, including death to any member or other person, on the Centre’s premises is strictly limited to accident or injury suffered as a direct consequence of the negligence of the Centre or its staff.
  • Neither the Centre or the member will be liable for any breach of these terms & conditions if caused by any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Centre or member, including (but not limited to) acts of God, explosions, actual or suspected terrorist activities, flood, fire, accident, war or threat of war, sabotage, civil disturbance, strikes and trade disputes, or prohibitations or other measures by any government department, local authority or other statutory authority.

  • change, withdraw or add to these Terms and Conditions of Booking
  • change the operating hours of the Centre
  • change certain facilities temporarily for decorating, cleaning, essential repairs or maintenance of equipment and special events
  • make all activities subject to availability
  • refuse entry to any person to the Centre

These Terms and Conditions of Membership and Terms and Conditions of Booking constitute a contract between the Trust and the member and are subject to Scots Law and to the jurisdiction of the Scottish courts.

  • The Centre is not insured for any loss or damage or theft of a member’s personal property on the Centre’s premises.
  • Membership does not include the use of a locker; these are available for use for a small refundable charge.

Conclusion and Contact Details

The Terms and Conditions of Membership apply.

Members must abide by the Terms and Conditions governing entry and use at each Centre, displayed in the Reception.

EDLC reserves the right to refuse admission to any of its facilities within the Centre.

Contact Details

How to contact us

If you are experiencing problems with making a booking, in the first instance, please consult the online help.

If this doesn't resolve your problem, please call the appropriate centre to make your booking.

  • Allander Leisure Centre Tel: 0141 777 3070
  • Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre Tel: 0141 578 8222
  • Leisuredrome Tel: 0141 777 3060

For any other enquiries, you can contact us by selecting one of the following links;

Please note, we will not accept email booking requests