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Social Media House Rules

EDLC uses social media channels to engage with our customers and to share information, important messages and the latest news.

Our house rules help to keep our social channels useful for everyone.

Our Rules

What we’ll do:

  1. We’ll always try to read every message and query. We will direct you to the information if it is already available and, if not, we will signpost you to the relevant team or try and find the answer for you. This can sometimes take time so please be patient with us.
  2. We will do our best to monitor and reply to social media comments and messages during office hours (9am – 5pm Monday to Friday).
  3. We’ll always remain politically neutral.
  4. We reserve the right to block anyone who is repeatedly engaging with us using language or content we’ve stated below as being unacceptable. We may also report individuals who are abusive to the social media platform. As a last resort, we may need to report messages to the police.

What we’d like you to do:

  1. Be polite. We know there are times things don’t go to plan and you find this unacceptable. But please remember we’re human and we want to help.
  2. Keep it clean. We won’t tolerate swearing, threats or abuse. We won’t respond to those sorts of comments and messages, and we reserve the right to remove them. We’ll also remove:
    • Anything defamatory, libellous or misleading
    • Spam
    • Promotional material including links to external sites
    • Anything that breaches data law, copyright, and intellectual property rights.
  3. Be kind. We won’t allow our page to be a forum for hate speech or conspiracy theories which could be damaging to our communities. Again, we’ll remove these posts.
  4. Don’t over-share. Be careful you don’t post sensitive information and instead send us a private message.

Thank you

Thank you for following our house rules.

If you have any questions about our rules or use of social media, please email