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Forming a club can be a challenging, but a very rewarding process.

To ensure success, we have designed a process that will help your new club form a solid foundation so that your organisation can succeed and provide valuable experiences within your community.

  • There are three important things that need to be thought about before setting up a new sports club:
  • Are there enough potential members?
  • Are there enough volunteers to run the club?
  • Is there another club in the local area that is already meeting the needs of the sport locally?

Once there is a general agreement to set up a club, a formal meeting will need to be called. During this meeting there will be a number of things that need to be decided and agreed on. It is often worth doing some preliminary work before the meeting, so that decisions can be made at the outset.

Further Information and Support

National Governing Bodies – websites relating to your chosen sport, for example Scottish Rugby Union and Scottish Football Association.

We work with a number of partners to develop sport; these include sportscotland, National Governing Bodies, Active schools and East Dunbartonshire council.