Kirkintilloch pool disruption - Sunday 16 March
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Home Portal

Check you are entering the correct member number we sent you and that your date of birth, email address and / or postcode is correct. If you have changed your email address or your home address since you applied to start lessons and have not advised us you will not be able to register. Please contact us in this instance.

Please contact us.

Please ensure you have validated your by clicking the link in the email that was send upon registration completion. Check that this has not gone to your junk inbox.

You can only add another child once they start swimming lessons. We shall send you their unique member number to allow you to add them to your account.

Please contact us for support.

Try the following:

  • Type your member number in the first box, do not copy and paste
  • Ensure that you are entering the adult who is the payer for lessons details – not your child
  • Check your e-mail address, it should match your address in the email we sent you
  • Check your postcode – if you have moved and not advised us this will be the issue.

If you have further issues, please contact us for help.

Swim Programme Changes

We are moving to our Governing Body’s, Scottish Swimming, National Framework which has been developed by a team of experts to provide a consistent approach to swimming lessons across Scotland. This makes it easier if you move to another areas that uses the same programme.

We will not have 4 main levels with first one split into two. Swim Skills 1A and 1B will take place in the teaching pool and are roughly equivalent to the old Levels 1&2 and Levels 3&4. 

The other swim skills will all take place in the main pool with Swim Skills 2 approximately equivalent to old Level 5 / 6, Swim Skills 2 approximately equivalent to old Level 7 and Swim Skills 4 approximately equivalent to old Level 8.

These are an approximation as all the learning outcomes, now called ‘exit criteria’ are significantly different. We shall be monitoring children closely over the first few weeks of the term. 

The levels have been developed to meet the needs of children and takes child and skill development into account. Although there are fewer levels your child will be placed into a level that s suitable for their ability. We realise that as we make the transition to the New Framework we may need to make some changes to ensure children are places appropriately.

For details on lessons costs and discounts for siblings and second classes please visit the Children's Classes page.

For existing customers; Initially you shall be booked in by Swimming Development and subsequent bookings will be made online through your ‘Home Portal’. There will be no need to apply for lessons as was the case in the past.

We are unable to accept new applicants at the moment but this will be advertised on our swimming page in due course.


Once you have created your Home Portal Account you will be able to see the learning outcomes.

Once your child is ready to move up a level we shall notify you via email and you will also be able to see this on your Home Portal account overview.

We shall no longer operate terms and classes will run continuously. When your child is ready to move up we shall notify you to advise and this could be at any time throughout the year as children will move when ready (subject to class availability)

Full details on credits or refunds will be given in the Terms and Conditions of booking.

General FAQ's

For our Adult and Child classes children start when they are 4 months old. Government Health experts now believe that it is now no longer necessary to wait until your child has had all their jags before going into the pool. Please always consult your health visitor if you are unsure. To start in Level 1 children must be at least 5 years old. Exact cut off dates are advertised in the relevant sections on our website.

Information on how to apply for lessons can be found on the web page 'How to Book'. This will give full details on how and when to apply for all lessons. We currently do not hold any waiting lists for group lessons.

Not necessarily. We offer assessments for children who have had previous swimming experience prior to the start of a new term to ensure they are placed in a class appropriate to their ability. Please contact us by phone or email to discuss.

Adult and Child / Pre-School

When your child reaches the correct age to move up an age group we shall advise you and you shall be able to select and book your new class online through the Home Portal

Levels 1-4

When your child has achieved all the exit criteria you shall receive notification via email and you will be able to move class using the Home Portal. At the moment we are still working out the details of term times and movement dates.

If they have not yet achieved all the skills, children will stay in the same level until they can demonstrate the skill consistently. Children must demonstrate to their teacher that they can achieve all skills consistently over the term and if they cannot do this, they will not move up. All our teachers are very experienced and will only move a child when it is the best interest of the swimmer to do so. It is very poor practice to move children up a level when they are not ready- better to wait until a child is competent before moving on to a more complex skill.

How long is a bit of string...

On average it takes a child 3 years to go from non swimmer to one ready to move to a Club. However, we must remember that every child is an individual and learns at a different pace, some will move through the programme quickly, where others may take a little longer. Take your child to the pool as often as you can between lessons, keep encouraging them but above all, it must remain fun - this is the best way to learn!

After Level 4, children are encouraged to join ‘AQUA ACTIVE’ this introduces them to the disciplines of mini polo, synchro, survival and lifesaving and diving practices.

Alternatively, we can advise you on how to join one of the many Clubs offering Swimming, Lifesaving, Synchronised Swimming or Water Polo.

Our telephone lines can be very busy at times, however, we do aim to return every call as quickly as we can, but as we have teaching commitments there may be times when the phones are unmanned. If a message is left we aim to return the call the next day, but no longer than 5 working days. Please be aware that when we return your call it will show up on your phone screen as an '0300' number so please do not dismiss this as a marketing call. We always leave a message where possible if the call remains unanswered.

The recommended position for teaching groups of children is from the poolside as this offers the best position to observe the group both in terms of safety and in order to give appropriate feedback to each child. Our Governing Bodies do not advocate the need for teachers in the water where teachers have the responsibility for more than 2 children. For Adult beginners it is common practice to have a teacher in the water initially.

Our classes sizes are significantly smaller than the recommended guidelines. What is important is the quality of the tasks being set and the feedback given to each individual. If classes had to be smaller the cost would reflect this, and we believe that our classes strike a balance and offer excellent value.

We do have a ‘Bespoke Class’ and these run during School holidays*. These classes cater for between 1 and 4 children, ideal for a group of friends, whether adults or children. This is an ideal alternative to an Individual Lesson as the pool is booked solely for the group.

*Subject to availability.